Geometric Subtraction / Cut Bamboo Mountaintops

Hi World-Machine Forums,

I’m in a bit of a pickle. I’m working on a volcano that needs to have an angled top. It was described as a ‘cut bamboo’ mountain, meaning the peak appears sliced off at an angle, with a crater in the centre similar to the hollow interior of a bamboo shoot.

Like this:

I’m having trouble figuring out how to shape the peak of the mountain to match this. I’ve tried using the angle selector, layout generators, and an inverted cone radial grad to shear off the top of the mountain - but unfortunately it didn’t have the desired effect. If anyone has any experience doing this or similar, I’d really appreciate some advice or help.

  • Hydrargent

PS: I can post pictures of my setup if that’ll help.

Something like this?

Aha! A layout-masked gradient would work perfectly. Thank you so much - it’s a great solution.
I’ll post a picture of the final product once it’s all rendered out.