How do i setup my color ramp to texture like this?

this first and second image here this is what i want. (ignore the snow on the mountains, talking about everything but that)

as you can see here from the third image i get the rock and dirt blending nice on the slope but for the rolling hills on the bottom

i get the rock and dirt blending nice on the slope but for the rolling hills on the bottom its wrong, its supposed to be green with brown flowlines going up and not brown hills with green flowlines. (fourth)

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Looking strictly at your color ramp, your output is what I would expect - the ramp says that all high values areas are going to be green. It looks like this is inside the quick texture device, and if so, that means that your high flow areas will be green - and they are. You can make them brown by adding a stop at the right end of the gradient and setting a brown color (and maybe a second stop a bit to the left of it that is the green color to make the transition sharper)

More broadly, the bottom heights in the terrain look signifcantly different than your top reference, with more flats and fewer rolling hills. Hillslopes will naturally collect flow into concave hollows.

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hey stephen, thanks for answering,

after adding a stop to the right i do have dirt flows now but the top of the rolling hills is still dirt, i want the top of them to be green like this second image here

but if i do that then the mountain slopes dont have dirt anymore.
sorry if this is confusing, i cant understand stuff too well.