How to prevent objects from be half-cutted?

Is it possible to obtain this logic? - randomly spawn alot of heightfields objects by using mask, like it do Instance Scattering, but with option that if summoned object not fully covered by mask - node will fully prevent spawn of this object

So, i want to use very rude mask, but on the border parts of it Instance Scattering produce half-cuted objects - it is looks very bad, it will be more better to prevent those objects from appearing on the borders of a mask and allow for only fully covered by mask objects to appear. Is some one have ready solution?

I don’t understand fully, could you explain with screenshots?

If I understand correctly (…somewhat…?), you want to erase everything outside the mask boundary. That’s what the mask input SHOULD do, given that the mask you provided is hard cut 0-1.

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Yes, sorry, here is screenshots -

So, Instance Scattering produce those cuted objects on the borders of mask

. Is exists way to prevent this from happening? So i will receive only non-cuted (FULL, NOT DAMAGED) objects in mask area?

I can keep trying some more things later, but as a quick first thought, you can try feeding your mask into the Density spatial parameters rather than into the mask input. With this method, if an object is partially present within the mask, it will build the whole object, including parts that appear outside of the mask, which may not work for your use case, but it may give you a starting point for further manual manipulation. Since a picture is worth a thousand words and a tmd file is worth a thousand pictures, I’ve included both here.

scatterMask.tmd (37.2 KB)

My initial thought for further manipulation would be to decrease the size of the mask slightly until no objects appear outside your intended mask area.




I never did know about it. I did think that only numbers can be given as parameters. This is increadible, very useful knowladge, THANK YOU THANK YOU

How did you discovered it? Which type of nodes allowed to use Heightfields as paramaters? Why some nodes do not allow to use heightfields as parameters? Where i can read about this ability?

I believe it’s a relatively new feature, but definitely very useful! The easiest way to tell what parameters can use heightfields as parameters is to look for a dot on the left of the parameter name. I think there’s been talk of adding spatial parameters to more devices (which I hope ends up happening), but we’ll have to wait and see for that.

Here’s a Help Center article going over spatial parameters.

I find them particularly useful in masking, because you can, for example, very easily add some noise to a Selector device’s falloff, or modulate something like a Strata device.

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You can not imagine how huge you boosted my terraforming workflow performance. Ultimative gigachaded-thank you

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