Importing SVG and AI files for Layouts

I’m trying to import AI files (which the docs say I can do) but no luck. I can import SVF files beautifully but can only get them to behave as a line. Any way to convert these imported paths to a shape instead. If so, I’d have one killer pipeline…)


I mentioned this in my email reply, but am reposting here to help other users with the same question!

WM decides if a shape to import is a path or a polygon by whether its been stroked or filled.
If its both, the stroke usually wins – so to make sure that the path
imports as a polygon, make sure that its an unstroked filled path, and
it should appear as a poly in WM.

This worked great for me but I did have one strange issue. The filled shape came in with broken (linear) tangents and the stroke came in as smooth bezier.


hmm. I’ll investigate the source of that. In the meantime, try right-clicking on the shape and making sure its set to a Bezier shape, and then also selecting “Perform Curve Smoothing” to recreate some generic smoothing of the shape

Thank you! Yup, that’s the route I took…)


I am trying to import a shape from Illustrator CS3. It works but the SVG shape comes in all mangled with the points all jumbled around. CS3 has quite a few options for saving to SVG, are there any specific settinsg I should use to ensure the shape makes it to WM correctly?


Hi -

I am evaluating WM2 for our studio for possible addition to our pipeline.

I have the same question as the original poster of this thread. Is AI file import supported for Layout Shapes?

In the Layout Shape Import > Set File… > Open dialog, I noticed the “Files of type:” drop-down lists *.svg but not *.ai.

Also, is it possible to directly read AND write a shape vertex’s (e.g. a bezier spline vertex’s) Elevation value via a macro or the PDK?

  • Thanks