Less Square terrain?

Hey guys it’s my first time making something “Serious” with world machine(WM).
I wanted to have a rather random island generation. I choose to make a set up like this:

The output of this looks like this:

As you may be able to see it’s rather square and not very island-alike.
If I do a full erosion it kinda help but it generate spikes.

I can see two solutions to my problem either:
How to reduce spikes or how to flatten or smooth out almost square islands xD

Hi there,

BY square I assume you mean the vertical cliff at the edges rather than anything else.

It looks like you’re using a layout generator to make the islands, so the solution is simple: Select your island shapes in the layout view, edit them, and increase the falloff distance to give them a smooth edge.

I assume by “square” you mean the vertical sides with flat tops.

Here are some things to try.

  1. Increase the Falloff Distance on your layout shape substantially, and choose “interior” Falloff Type (upper button).
  2. Decrease the Opacity of your layout shape to let more of the underlying Perlin show through.
  3. Run your layout generator output through a large radius blue.

I got nice looking results just using option #1.

Added in edit: Looks like Remnant got there while I was still typing.

I see I should’ve named them…
All that generates the islands are the advanced perlin and the radial grad.
The first layout generator is to make roads and the secound generator is for making a whole in the radial grad before it to make a vocalno thingy.
But yes I do mean vertical cliff at the edges.

Hi there,

What is your combiner set to?
