Hey guys it’s my first time making something “Serious” with world machine(WM).
I wanted to have a rather random island generation. I choose to make a set up like this: http://gyazo.com/48686f4c2244daf464760a4bc331bb17
BY square I assume you mean the vertical cliff at the edges rather than anything else.
It looks like you’re using a layout generator to make the islands, so the solution is simple: Select your island shapes in the layout view, edit them, and increase the falloff distance to give them a smooth edge.
I see I should’ve named them…
All that generates the islands are the advanced perlin and the radial grad.
The first layout generator is to make roads and the secound generator is for making a whole in the radial grad before it to make a vocalno thingy.
But yes I do mean vertical cliff at the edges.