Hello ! I am looking for a 3D artist who works with WorldMachine to create a world. This is for a small project, but I would first have some questions about whether this would be feasible with WorldMachine.
It’s for a island (or a small continent) who will later be build for Minecraft. It need multiples terrains such as plains, plateaus, moutains, deserts, volcanoes, cliffs, etc. It will be finally exported as a heightmap (12k x 12k) to a secondary software (For placing trees, surface blocs, etc).
I have the “plan” of the map with what biomes to place and where.
Can someone contact me in private or in this topic ? We can discuss about the price and my budget. Thanks you !
Hi Xelras. Did you get anyone to help you out?
I think it’s very doable. I did something similar for a “Voxel World” I was building. I generated the map in high resolution, then used an image pocessing program to “downrez” it - which made blocks out of it. You could also do that with a 'Curves" filter in WM (although I wanted large squares).
== John ==
I’d be happy to see what I could do for you you can email me or contact me at discord via Consue#7269. One issue is your definition of the word small.
Maps above 4k tend to be multi continental with each continent being fairly large. Singular islands on the other hand tend to be no wider than 1.5k before being considered a continent. Additionally 12k maps tend to take a long time to produce and come with a steep price. I recommend looking at similar maps in PMC to find the right size map you want.
This post has been here almost a year people! I doubt they still need help.
Doesn’t hurt to offer help anyways though, does it?