Map scale and height on Layout View

Hey guys! It is nice to be here! I hope you can help me.
In 2.3.7 version we have this nice “map scale” in the left corner of Layout View. Plus, there is “height” on my cursor in the same View. But I can’t find something like this in “Mt Rainier” 4017.2. Maybe, there is no such thing in my basic version. I don’t know.

You are correct, these are missing in 4017.2!

As of 4019, the “height underneath cursor” feature has been re-added, but this version is not in the release pipeline and only available to those with an active license.

As for the map scale, that is not implemented yet in 4019, but I think it will be re-implemented? Maybe @Stephen can help us out!

I would also very much like to see the scale in the lower left corner of the Layout View. I’ve just started using World Machine Indie “Artist Point” (4031.2) about three weeks ago and it’s not there. I see it in many tutorial videos from a year ago. It would be extremely helpful. Please add this feature back in. Thanks.