Mesh OBJ Export Problem

hi there,

2 days ago, the mesh-exported just right. Now, there seems to be a problem “out of no-where…”

If I export a mesh (no matter if reduced or full polycount or tirs or with quad option) - I get very strange results, in scaling.
It seems, the mesh is near infinit small or something like that. If I import it into blender, I got no chance to even see it on the screen
and in Unity, I get very strange values, when I try to position a camera next to it.

I mean, everything worked 100% ok a while ago…

I tried different WM Files, too - same results ! :shock:

Nobody else got this strange results, when exporting a mesh?

What could be the fault, here?
I mean, there is nothing more to do, just adding a Mesh-Export-Device and done -right?

What is your coordinate system set to in the mesh export device?

That´s a good question :wink:

I am at work right now, for the next 8 hours - so I can not check this :frowning:

But, could you tell me, what I should choose or try?

Well, if it is set to WM units, the exported mesh will lie within a relatively small cube (typically 0…1 for a 8km x 8km terrain).

If set to normalized, it will always be in a 1x1 area regardless of world size
If set to kilometers, it will export where unit size of 1 = 1km, so in a 8x8 bounds for a 8km x 8km terrain
and finally, if set to meters, it will export where unit size of 1 = 1m, so a 8000x8000 bound for a 8km x 8km terrain

Thanks for explanation!
I´ll check it when back from office.

Funny thing is, that explains, why I got a 1x1 unity unit sized terrain, when importing my first test-mesh -the setting must have been “normalized” back then…
(I am working with 8x8km extents right now)

I want to archive a roughly 200x200 or 500x500 meter (unity-units) in size.
But when chosen a 500x500m extent – well, the scale of the mountains is bad then and I did not figured out, how to compensate for this.

What I do is to re-size the “normalized” terrain in Unity to the size, I want.
I can´t see any disadvantages in that – do you?

And another thing is, the mesh seems to stand vertically, instead of lying flat.
I must rotate it by 270 deg. along the X-axis in Unity.

For the displace and splatmaps, there is a “Flipper-device” to adjust to flip along the Y-axis to get the same orientation in unity like in WM. Is there a “Rotator-Device” for adjusting the mesh, before exporting it?

Ok, the export problem is solved: “Always export at origin” was unchecked. When unchecked, the exported .obj is not that handy :lol:

But I still want to know about the “rotating” and “extent 500m scaling” thing :?