PNG Exporting as 48-bit? How to make 32-bit instead


I’m trying to export out a tiled PNG version of my terrain and I noticed that the PNG tiles which are exported get output as a 48-bit format. This was a new bit-depth standard for me so I looked it up and its for HDMI color ranges. For my purposes, I really need just 32-bit as the program I am dumping these into doesnt like this 48-bit standard. I am able to batch convert them via PS down to 24-bit, but I was wondering if there is an option directly in WM to just output in 32-bit rather than 48? If anyone knows how to do this, I would be very appreciative.



you’re right, it would be useful to have 8bit export options for the two existing high bitdepth color types. If you can use a windows BMP file, selecting that format will give 8bit/channel RGB output.

hello, thanks for the tip. definitely useful.

thanks again!

just an update, I’ve added this option to the bitmap PNG exporter so you can choose the bitdepth you want to use.

It will appear in the next update!