I really like the presets and would like to put in a vote for presets in the file output dialogue.
I really like the presets and would like to put in a vote for presets in the file output dialogue.
:? hmm… A curious idea…
Why would you like to have presets on the File Output? There is not much info to save as preset… Are you thinking in having the “file name” stored in the preset as well?
I could see a use for presets in File Output if you would choose a certain file type for saving everybuild or incrementally, and another file type for saving manually or non-incrementally. But sincerely I do that with two File Outputs, one for final stuff, and another for intermediate previewing…
I also copy and paste some devices after setting their properties in order to have them set up the same way.
I’m not arguingagainst presets on File Output here. The reason why they aren’t there is only because the presets appeared after a lot of devices, and it would be extremely demanding to retrofit all devices with the preset system.
In any case, we need to answer this question before presets are implemented in File Output: “does it make sense to have a file name with path be stored in a preset?” I think it won’t be very usefull. But for everything else (espetially if more properties are added) presets can come in handy in the File Output…
I think the presets is something that will gradually be extended to every other device that currently doesn’t have them… That is what they were meant to be in the first place…
I built a terrain with errosion and added a file output for all of the maps flow etc, as well as a bunch of altitiude selections and the like. I then opened the first and thought… hell, now I have to open them all up and click on the checkboxes I wanted as well as slelct targa as my output format. And then I thought “I always use those parameters by default and these preset thinngys are new, why isn’t there one in the file output as well?” It seemed logical enough.
I didn’t mean a preset for output location, just for those often clicked checkboxes. I guess I should modify my workflow to set up one the way I like, then copy and paste it.
Grassy Noel