Surely hope this is not too silly…
I would like to force WM to output the r16 highmap using all 256 shades of grays.
Is it possible?
Surely hope this is not too silly…
I would like to force WM to output the r16 highmap using all 256 shades of grays.
Is it possible?
I’m not sure if I follow?
The .r16 format is a 16bit RAW format, in which each height value contains a value between 0 and 65535 denoting the elevation.
If you want a 256-shade file, use the basic 8-bit RAW option.
OK then.
I’m converting to 256 levels eh?!
My only allowed input is r16 RAW, though.
So Is there a trick to force the terrain to the full spectrum in WM? What I need is actually a relative elevation rather than an absolute one; hoping that this will translate in having 256 levels after converting.
I must sound like a mad scientist here…
If you want to make sure that the terrain spans the entire range on export, insert a Clamp device between your terrain and the file output node. Check the “Normalize” box in the Clamp, then export. It should now span the entire range of terrain heights.
That works perfectly, Thank you.
Am I getting it right, if i don’t use the normalize option, it doesn’t use the whole 65535 scale ?
Potentially, yes.
When you setup your height range in WM, a value of 0 in a 16bit raw will correspond to elevation 0m, and a value of 65535 will correspond to, say, 3000m.
For example, If your terrain’s lowest point is only 500m, then the smallest value in the raw output will be 500m/3000m * 65535 = 10922.
This is by design; however, if you don’t have to try to match heightfields or anything else similar, you can normalize the terrain which will ensure that the HF spans the entire 0…65535 range.