Really basic question with regard to size and locations

I am re-introducing myself to world-machine. I just created a simple scene with a single node: Radial Grad.

My world parameters are that the Main Extents are from 0 km, 0 km lower left to 1 km, 1 km upper right.

My Radial Grad is centered at 500 m, 500 m.

My question is this: I have set the Radius to be 500 m, but the displacement seems not to go to the edges of the world. I would have thought that a radius of 500 m would have been a diameter of 1 km. Instead, when I set the radius to 1 km it fits properly.

Am I misunderstanding how the world is scaled somewhere? Or is this more of a semantics problem where I have a different definition of radius than the app? I just want to make sure I have a proper foundation going in.


Hi bvz!

It is semantics. I am not sure about other devices, but in the radial grad, radius is supposed to be diameter. Its even more clear if you set the type “Square” (for more visible edges) and check it in the Layout view.