Really need help with Instance Tiling / LS

My problem is: I lose quality of LocalSpace object after up-scaling in Instance Tiling. How to save quality or improve it?

Here we have local space object:

Here up-scaled result (from 80km x 80km localspace to 128km x 128km worldspace)
You may see those pixelated lines that i understand that could be fixed by Bicubic Soft - but i do not want to hide bad quality, i want to save it or at least improve. But how? Please helppppppppp

I’m confused by this. Can you clone just those two devices into an example world and post it here?

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Here they are:
Quality damage after upscaling.tmd (42.0 KB)

I’ve taken a look at the file abvove. Everything is functioning as expected. I’ll explain further:

  1. First of all, localspace exists completely seperate from worldspace. Any dimensions you set there (such as localspace dims 10x10 in your example) are for your benefit while laying out and crafting the localspace object but otherwise doesn’t have any implied relationship to worldspace.

  2. Localspaces DO have a resolution that is the amount of actual data they contain. In this case, the resolution is 2049x2049, the same as your project setting.

  3. When you insert a localspace object into worldspace using the Tiling device, the Plan scale determines the worldspace size that your ENTIRE localspace object takes up. In this case, that is set to 128km, which means that the data from the object is stretched over that dimension. Whether you have set the localspace extents to 10x10 or 0.1 x 0.1 doesn’t matter.

  1. Your project scene render extents only occupy 8km in dimension. So you are viewing only 8km / 128km = 6.25% of the localspace object. You’re viewing only a tiny fraction of the pixels of your localspace object!

  2. Your world rescaling type is set to Nearest Neighbor. Those pixelated lines are simply the rescaler doing its job, upscaling each pixel of the localsapce object 16x in your example.

The solution is what you already mentioned - set your rescaler to bicubic to produce a more quality output.

I hope that helps understand what’s going on.