Remake approach


I was wondering whats the best approach when you are about to create a terrain based on real life? Foe example if you was to create Matterhorn Mountain:

would you do it in WM? (is that possible to get it look the same only using WM?)
Or it’s better to take it with Mudbox/zBrush and later use WM for erosion etc. ?
Basically I’d prefer to skip 3D modeling and learn to do it only in WM. Any tips are appreciated.

hmm - you could use DEM sat/gis Data and build hieghtfield from that, as a base…

Been at that for a few hours but nothing straight forward.

The Matterhorn is a pretty distinct, unique mountain. So I would probably start with a radial gradient set to pyramid, and distort that with perlin/voronoi to preserve sharp edges but achieve the rippled knife edges of the rock. I would also probably try using thermal erosion over the standard fluvial erosion here.

You can then blend it into other more generic mountains created using perlin noise, etc.

If you use Unity you can use World Composer to generate a height map from bing data and import that into WM. I would be willing to generate an example for you if you want. Just PM me.

Thank you Stephen for the tips. I’m going to give it a try.

@ibyte, Does it allow you to for example create this Matterhorn mountain?

Well the GIS data from bing is only at level 11 which is 53 m/p so the resolution leaves something to be desired but you will get the general shape.

Edit: replaced attachment with one slightly better centered.

I ordered some ASTER GDEM data for the region on the Reverb ECHO site.
It’s being processed now as it wasn’t a direct download.

Hope it works out!

@ibyte. It’s as you said kinda the general form. But I could also do that in a couple minutes in Mudbox and get better results. :frowning:

@Tangled-Universe. Thanks man, I hope it is good enough then I can also use that service as well. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome MaxDev
I’m interested in reproducing the area as well.
Reverb ECHO is a nice website for DEM data:✓&spatial_map=satellite&spatial_type=rectangle

After you have modelled it in WM/Mudbox/whatever…then which software would you like to use it in?


I’d put it in UE4 and do the rest there. But it’s generally a test I’m looking forward to see if the height information ends up being accurate enough so I can use the workflow for what I’m doing.

Hey guys,

Just letting you know I got time to give it a shot and was quite happy with the result though, “some” of the data are 8bit and contain the stepping artifact and fixing them is so destructive, I for one care a lot about micro details and just don’t like to give the surface a new look by running it through erosion device or blurring it etc. Still looking into finding better solutions.

But that’s for the replies. :slight_smile:

Perhaps these folks would share their model?

I realize your most likely looking for a more generic source of high detailed maps.

Well not a source of highly detailed maps but highly detailed “real world” elevation data to use as a base. Because when I’m for example tasked to create the entire beach of Normandy as accurate as possible, it’d not be a proper way to sculpt 8km ^2 by hand. But I managed to get the DEM for the area and save a month and I feel happy now. :slight_smile:

It’s a bit a dead topic, but I tried recreating the Matterhorn, or at least it’s style.

It’s definitely not as steep but that’s hard to achieve on such a big terrain (8x8 km), I’m pretty happy with the result itself, since I’m currently trying to build a couple of similar mountains, with sharp and interesting features (I don’t like the standard look of a simple eroded advanced perlin :P)

I’ve attached the project file, I hope it’s going to be useful, as I’ve learned a lot from all the various project files around the forum, let’s keep the workflow sharing up!


This time I’ve managed to pull it off just right.
I’ve used a cloudpoint I found on the internet, so the results are very very accurate

I’ve used satellite imagery for the layout, it’s not the highest res, but I really like it


The basic shape looks good. Maybe you should add some noise and erosion for details.

Oh, there is, it’s just the low res overlay image that blurs out the detail :slight_smile: