save setup

Is it possable to save a setup with out turning it into a macro?

Certainly. Just use the Save option on the File menu. This saves your network configuration (the connections and settings of your current devices) as a .tmd. However, if you have “built” your network, you will have to rebuild it if you save and reload it. In order to save the results of building your network, attach a File Output device, configure it for the type of file you want to output, give the file a path and name, then click Write File. You may need to partially rebuild the network to write the file.

  • Oshyan

:? Thought saveing a .tmd was just saveing the WM terrane, not the set up. Thanks for setting me straight.

WM has no “terrain” format of its own. It only saves, natively, in .tmd which just saves the interconnection of devices and their settings, not the finished/built terrain. To save that you must have a file output device connected and must click Write File (or have auto-output checked) after the network has been built (big green button). For more info read the Quick Start and Tips of the Month in the Help section on the main site.

  • Oshyan