Terrain Scale.


What is the recommended width/height and altitude to use in WM for making a 8kmx8km terrain?I always have big scale issues with WM terrains in game engines!
Also,how do i use a chain of choosers to make a varied terrain,and then,use a layout generator to place it?

Scale is one of the most important things I also have a few problems with. Since there is nothing on the terrain surface its really hard to find a good scale. If there was a possibility to spawn an object on the surface it’d be seriously helpful.

I agree,that would help a lot.
Do you think there’s another way to know if the terrain scale is all right?

You can spawn a layout generator with the height equal to the maximum height permitted in the project, see the general setup in the project settings.
Otherwise there’s no right or wrong way, it depends so much from the extents of your world. If you recreate a large portion of terrain then you’re going to have very different altitudes, from the Everest to low hills, it’s obvious that the mountains will make everything else irrelevant. I have seen that in these case it’s better to ignore the heightmap for those lower features and just have the textures, alternatively if you want heightmap for all of your terrain portions it’s better to completely renounce to achieve a realistic scale.

I understand,but,what terrain width/height of the terrain extents do you recommend for making a 8kmx8km terrain and having all the features intact and not ‘smashed’ together when exported to a game engine?
If i use 100kmx100km in WM for making a 8kmx8km terrain will work?

Even if your render extents are 100x100km in world machine, my understanding is that later you export single portions of 8x8km to be used in your game engine so you could be fine with the standard max altitude (which I think is around 2500m). The reason is that 8x8km is too small to have significant altitude changes between, say, the leftmost and the rightmost pixel.

I don’t know if i understand,what i’m saying is that if i use the Render Extend at 100x100km and export the terrain into a game engine and scale it down to 8x8km would it work?
I want to know what is the best Render Extend widht/height to use for making a 8x8km terrain in a game engine.

Ok I think I got it, but I think it’s the wrong approach. Your terrain features will be indistiguishable, it will be like observing the Earth from the ISS. If your terrain in your game engine is 8x8km then use a render extent of 8x8km in WM, with standard height.

Ok,thanks for the return,i think that makes more sense.
