The Preview Window

Hello and Greetings Guys -

Are we stuck with it being in that small window or can we move it to a larger preview option?

I tried moving it out but nothing happens. Any tricks to making it larger. Ideally I want to have it in it’s own window alone.



In WM 4 (the LTE versions), you have the option to (slightly) enlarge that preview window in the project bar. You can, in WM 4, also split up your screen in 1-4 panels, and for example have a Device Overview and 3D Overview at the same time. For both, see the image below.

In WM 3028 and earlier, you are stuck with the only option, that is not available in all versions, namely, opening up a separate window. You do so by clicking on this option:


Let me know if this helped you!

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Thanks for the tip, I appreciate it.


As @HYLK says, you can resize in the 4000 series builds. There is a plan to allow you to float the preview window (as well as the other sidebar components) separately, although I don’t have an ETA on that right now.

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Hello and Thanks Stephen -

The reason why I wanted this is to separate the preview in it’s own window on another monitor away from the work space.

Hopefully I can just drag into the other preview monitor I plan on purchasing today.


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