Tip for speedy compiles

I’ve got 24Gig of ram and 8 cpu cores in my system, but doing large world compiles were always limited by my HDD speed. My cpu cores were never anywhere near maxed out. They were quite bored actually.

So I tried making a 2Gig ram drive, and pointed world machine’s temp directory path to it, and wow what a difference! All 8 of my cores are now at 99-100% usage, and the build is MUCH faster. I’ve not timed it yet, but it seemed like a considerable improvement. Not only that, but now my poor hard drive isn’t being thrashed to death. :smiley:

Anyway, just wanted to put that out there in case it helps someone else.

Awesome thank you for advice.

Will it speed up small build also?
How did you set up RAMdisc?

I used RAMDisk made by DataRam:

It’s free for personal use, up to 4Gig ram drives.

Hi there,

Interesting – in all honesty I would not expect this, as WM should not be swapping out to disk if it still has plenty of memory capacity available. Is this in the context of a tiled build or a single file build?

In any case I have certainly found dramatic improvements by putting the temp folder on a SSD – it makes swapping almost tolerable.