Just wondering if there is a tool that will allow one to round the height generated by any of the components to a value within a specific range. For example, if I set it to round to the nearest 100/th then any value would rounded to .001.
In Excel this function is called MRound. See this: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/mround-function-c299c3b0-15a5-426d-aa4b-d2d5b3baf427
::: Returns a number rounded to the desired multiple.
Ideally the rounding range would be variable so I could go from .1 to .00001, etc. This could also be expressed in units, such as meters – at the extreme would be rounding to the nearest meter. (not that useful for me)
My project requires that height is defined in meters, and that no height falls outside of 1/20th of a meter. (each meter is split into 20 parts)
Thanks for any thoughts or advice.