Tool that will round terrain height to the nearest value? (MRound)

Just wondering if there is a tool that will allow one to round the height generated by any of the components to a value within a specific range. For example, if I set it to round to the nearest 100/th then any value would rounded to .001.

In Excel this function is called MRound. See this:
::: Returns a number rounded to the desired multiple.

Ideally the rounding range would be variable so I could go from .1 to .00001, etc. This could also be expressed in units, such as meters – at the extreme would be rounding to the nearest meter. (not that useful for me)
My project requires that height is defined in meters, and that no height falls outside of 1/20th of a meter. (each meter is split into 20 parts)

Thanks for any thoughts or advice.

Hi Adam!

Try using the terrace device with the method set to “simple” and the number of terraces set to 100 (or whatever the number of rounding spots you want). That’s what it’s intended to do - let me know if that works!

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For a long time I was just an observer. In the end I decided to register :slight_smile:
I would help. I cant see logo. You need to repair it problably.