Anyone out there that have any ide how to setup WM to make rocks, cliff sides and output them as a mesh?
could you elaborate what you are trying to build? because overhangs and rock faces are impossible in any heightfield only app…
you could build the terrain wm style, then render the rock face displacement separately, then use it as a stencil for adding overhangs in mudbox
I am mostly interesting in making rock formation as a mesh. Maybe 3-5 rocks as a mesh. Or individual rocks, cliff, etc and export it as mesh.
is this what you want???
More like this! Rockmeshes
Once you have created interesting looking rocks, you can easily export them as a cluster formation by using the mesh export and providing a mask to its Mesh Mask input to isolate the feature you want to export.
To create the interesting rocks in the first place, I recommend checking out this post by Quantum Theory where he posted his world file of an example of creating a great rock texture and heightfield:
i use vue for rocks modeling, via metablobs
a free PLE is available on their site, with mesh and terrain exports working fine… saves and renders are limited
dax pandhi at has some excellent tutorials on metablobs