What do you do/use to add some fine details (by hand) ?

hi there,

afaik there is no “sculpting” in WM2, like in Mudbox, Vue, belnder, etc.

So, what do you do, to work in a bit more small detials, to break the terrain up a bit?
What is the workflow look like?

Would be nice to see some postings in here…

well, we use sculpting software like mudbox for finer details, after i’m done with the terrain in wm. you could try breaking up the terrain by combining it with an advanced perlin fractal. if you have a specific problem, please post a screenshot. that way we can be more helpfull.

I dont have a specific problem, just want to See, what other WM users do to sculpt in small details.

So you use mudbox - cool idea. Maybe i should try sculptris, because I dont own a copy of mudbox.

Some more workflows on how to add more details?