Currently you have a limit of “1” value for density if you want to achieve more dense results on huge scale. Layers - do not help if you want to make them also have huge lacunarity scale.
So want to ask - is that possible to make it density with no limit? In some cases i want to have x2, x3, x5 bigger density of intances for big scale cases
The limit of 1 is due to details of the internal implementation. Allowing this to go above 1 would essentially be just automatically setting appropriate fractal layer parameters for you - which might be useful for sure, as an aid, but would not be a new unachievable result.
Why can’t you use layers set to lacunarity 1 to achieve your increased density? That is exactly the approach I used in the recent example in the other thread to create lots of mountain ridges (Influence Noise to flow in general direction - #6 by Stephen)
Why can’t you use layers set to lacunarity 1 to achieve your increased density?
aaa, i already did that on image above? You may see that Lacunarity already on 0.99, layers already on 16 - and it is not enough
i think in your replay you not fully understand my user-case, - where i need to use huge scale value, and fill space created by usage of huge scale between instances
Explanation: when instances have scale of 999999 (any big value) - each of instances become to have a lot of free space between them, that may be filled by more instaces. Result = Than bigger scale we have, than bigger space between we receive. Infinite space require infinite density increasing. I mean that
I used in the recent example
Even if we will increase scale in your example - we become to have free space for more instances, yeee
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I see. If you need extreme space filling, the approach used by the Scatter device unfortunately is probably not going to scale to your needs for the reasons you identified. Allowing a higher density unfortunately won’t solve the problem, either.
What you’re trying to do might be better served by dense convolution, which is also what your other question (How to put intance directly on dot? - #2 by Stephen) is getting at. This would allow placing up to a unique instance every pixel regardless of instance scale.
This would probably be a good match to implement using the Code device and run on the GPU, although doing so is obviously not a friendly user-task, but rather coding/development work.
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Maybe one day will become programmer to learn to work with that code device 
But thanks for answerrrrrrr