WM 1.0 Release nears...

Hey folks,

The last beta revision just went out to the testing team. If no major bugs are found, WM 1.0 is effectively code-complete.

What remains is the continuation of editing&illustrating of the documentation.

I should be able to commit to a release date soon. I’ll make sure to post when I can confirm what that date is. :slight_smile:

Thats good news, I’ve been waiting for this for a long, long time :slight_smile:

Hi Remnant!!
We’re all waiting for the release date of World Machine 1.0 and we now know that It nears, but can You tell us about the release date (If you know It) of Terragen 2?? I’m searching for a developers secret :wink:
I wonder what could we do with Terragen 2 and World Machine 1.0??? Wonderfull worlds I suspect!!!

It’s been months and “they” (the crew of TGD) just don’t give us any information!!!

I’m afraid that’s not my secret to give out. :slight_smile: