World Machine to Unity issue with slope having jagged stair-steps

I created some simple shapes in World Machine to represent a beach descending down into a body of water and the slope down towards the water isnt smooth its jagged and stair-step-like. I even tried blurring the image in photoshop and the issue still persists. I dont understand what is causing the issue. The raw file is 4096x4096 and my height map resolution is set at 4097. I have attached an image to show the issue when zoomed in close.

Just curious - your file output from world machine is using raw r16 file?

It definitely is 16bit, that was the first thing I checked since it seems to be a resolution issue. Its exporting as Raw16

The reason I asked is I tried to use a 16 bit tif file with MapMagic in Unity using the texture input node and I got that same stepped effect.

Hmm, I wonder what the solution is :confused:

When i used a r16 file I didn’t have that problem. I was told if you try to use tif it will convert it to 8 bit internally and only true raw input files work @ 16 bit. So I expect my issue was not your issue.

Ahhh okay, hmmm.

How are you importing the height map in unity?

Here is the import settings if this is what you mean

I am just learning World Machine. How large is your terrain size in WM?

4097x4097 with a 0.732 m/pixel scale

Oh I meant in (kilo)meters vs resolution - your import in Unity showed 75 x 75 meters with a height of 1000 meters?
I think it might be 3Km?

the game world is 3km x 3km and tiled into 75m x 75m tiles that each have a 4k reaolution heightmap