Export to 16 bit IBM PC raw

Is there any way to export to this? to clarify this someone couple years it seems had the same issue on this forum, Export to RAW 16 bit Intel byte-order

It is for a battlefield 2 engine, World Machine can clearly open import these raw files as height map and show them correctly but i never cannot export these without the same issue posted on this forum post. The height map does not show correctly in the editor and edge of the map will show a sudden wall of height.
One way to do this was having a photoshop and import these and export these via photoshop because it had the IBM PC raw option to export or having a terragen and do it that way.

(pardon me for the absolute OG pics it is just for an example and the exact issue)

It may seem that the issue was that since you flip the Y axis in the file imput and export it and the resolution is power of two plus 1, the 1 pixel line causes the height wall issue, so just don’t export with Y axis flipped.