Hello there,
I recently took the plunge with getting World Machine, haven’t been regretting it so far. It’s a very interesting journey to discover more and more.
I’m working on a continent size map, scaled with a factor of 10. World Machine didn’t appear to really like my import at true scale, so I’m making it work.
I created a mountain ridge and I’ve been working out the plateau behind it. I’ve been getting consistently great results with Delta_Research’s Branchify macro (my thanks for which should you ever read this), but I’m now stuck on what I’d like to influence this macro.
This is what I currently have (heavy WIP). But as you can see, the underlying Perlin is being a Perlin and there’s no actual rime or reason to the structure.
Is there a way to influence a Perlin to flow in a particular direction. Edit: Realized I forgot to mention the Great Basin is the inspiration for this, if that helps convey my idea.
I’ve tried distrotion and got some good results for the mountain range with the Distrotion Folding, but it doesn’t make the Perlin’s higher areas actually follow it.
I’ve tried using gradients on mirror repeat with certain widths, combiners and perlins, but the structure of the gradient always shines through too much. It’s always as if someone came through it with a comb.
Does anyone perhaps have any idea on how to make a Perlin or something similar flow more in a certain direction without being as rigid as the gradient and without having to use the shape generator since I’d like to do this procedurally.